Live webcasts

All live webcasts from the Symposium can be seen on this page, press f5 for programme updates. Note also that you can embed the player on any website, see bottom of page.

Please note the hours below for when the next live webcast will be. Not all sessions during the Symposium will be broadcasted live.

Click here for a video archive of all filmed Symposium sessions.

Next live webcast: 19 May, approx. 080-11300: The Stockholm Dialogue on Global Sustainability – Seizing Planetary Opportunities

Programme for live webcasts
17 May

0815-0845: Press conference

0930-0940: Welcome address, HRH Crown Princess Victoria

09.40: A call from Stockholm
Johan Rockström, Professor and Director of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Chair of the Symposium Steering Committee.

John Schellnhuber, Professor and Director of Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, Member of the Symposium Steering Committee.

1000-1020: Symposium theme: Anthropocene – from global change to planetary stewardship (read more about the Symposium themes here)

1415-1435: Symposium theme: Tipping towards sustainability – emerging pathways of transformation (read more about the Symposium themes here)

Wednesday 18 May
0915-0925: Only one Earth – Andreas Carlgren, Minister for the Environment, Sweden

0925-0945: Symposium theme: Reconnecting to the Biosphere (read more about the Symposium themes here)

1400-1430: The Stockholm Memorandum Signing Ceremony

1430-1500:  Press conference

Thursday 19 May
0800-1300: Stockholm Dialogue on Global Sustainability (click here for more info)

For any technical enquiries regarding the webcast, please contact sturle.hauge.simonsen@stockholmresilience.su.se or call +46 8 674 74 28.

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